Redundancy Lawyers Gold Coast

As trusted redundancy lawyers Gold Coast, we are perfectly placed to help all clients deal with any redundancy issue. By contacting us, you are putting your case in safe hands, if you have found yourself in the position of being forced out of your job.

Sadly, redundancy is a common event, but laws are in place that provide you with some degree of protection. Unfortunately, not every company follows those laws, but that is why you need to contact a redundancy lawyer today.

You no longer have to simply accept that you have lost your job. You may be in line for monetary compensation, or there are laws to protect your job so you cannot simply just lose it. But this is not something you can do yourself. Instead, you need expert help to guide you through redundancy laws and how they affect you.

Employment Lawyer Gold Coast

Where Do You Stand?

People are often left shocked at the knowledge they are being made redundant that any compensation package offered is often accepted immediately. Yet, you could be doing yourself a disservice by simply accepting the first thing offered to you.

While we may be unable to stop the redundancy process, we can certainly tell you where you stand in line with the law. Knowledge is power, and when compensation is possible, you want to be sure you are in the best possible position to get the correct outcome for you.

To find out more about where you stand in line with redundancy and employment laws, call us today and speak to one of our team.

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Why You Need Expert Legal Advice

Getting legal advice when faced with redundancy is crucial. Many companies simply do not correctly follow the laws in place, and you deserve to be treated in line with what the law states. How the laws apply to you will depend on your individual situation, but help is at hand. Our law firm has extensive experience helping individuals such as you who are facing either the threat of redundancy, or where it is becoming a reality. With us by your side, you know everything will be handled correctly at all times, and that you will be treated fairly.

Companies may find themselves needing to make people redundant simply to cut costs, but no matter the reason for cutting their workforce, certain protocols must be followed. Laws exist that ensure you are not treated unfairly, or that you also receive a redundancy package that rightfully belongs to you. But we know most individuals remain unaware of what should be included in their package. Does it line up with your employment contract? Are you still being treated unfairly? 

With our help, you will have all the answers.

You no longer have to just hope your employer is treating you fairly. Often, employers will want to do less than the minimum amount, and that is not fair on you. So stop wondering and worrying by contacting us today and get our help. Our experience as redundancy lawyers can make a difference to your situation, and your future.

What are the Redundancy Laws?

Redundancy laws in Australia are clear, but they are often incorrectly interpreted, or simply ignored. For a redundancy package, different factors change what you are entitled to, and that is why you need expert legal help to know where you stand.

As long as you have been working for the same employer for more than 12 months, you are entitled to compensation should you be made redundant. This is thanks to Commonwealth employment laws, but we know from our experience as redundancy lawyers in the Gold Coast area that most people remain unaware of what they state.

For your sake, it’s best to be backed by a redundancy law expert who can immediately tell you if an employer is following the laws. Alternatively, we can also help companies that are looking to make people redundant where they wish to ensure they do everything correctly. No matter which side of the fence you are on, we are here to make a difference.

All you have to do is to call our number and arrange to speak to one of our team. Getting help regarding the issue of redundancy is easier than you think.

Get help from expert redundancy lawyers today.

Why Should You Hire Us?

Our team of expert lawyers bring with them a wealth of experience helping individuals such as you and the exact situation you find yourself in right now. We realised there was a significant need to offer this type of expertise surrounding redundancy, and we have helped countless individuals over the years.

We know redundancy can have a profound impact on people and their lives, so it’s our aim to make this unfortunate process run more smoothly. We do not want to see you missing out on something that legally belongs to you, and it’s our hope we can assist you in shaping a better future.

Law surrounding employment and redundancy can prove complex and difficult to understand. We know you can feel overawed by it all, but you will not have to stress or worry about what to do next with us by your side.

We will tackle everything on your behalf, and provide legal advice you can trust that is in line with your unique situation. To start the process of getting the legal help you deserve, simply call our number today and speak to a team member. We are ready to get to work on your behalf.

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The Next Step to Take

All you have to do to get the legal advice you deserve surrounding any redundancy issue is to pick up the phone and give us a call. It’s quick, easy to do and our team of legal experts will be happy to take on your case.

You have the right to be treated fairly even when faced with redundancy. You deserve adequate compensation in line with your employment contract, length of time working with the company, and also with what the law states. Do not rely on your employer to follow the laws. Instead, use our legal help to ensure you do not miss out.

Call us today and let us get to work representing you. 

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